Integrate Mixpanel with Spring Boot Application

Abishan Parameswaran
2 min readSep 17, 2021


Mixpanel is one of the leading Product Analytics tools for tracking insights of the Applications like Mobile and Web. With the assistance of Mixpanel, we can easily track the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of the Applications.

So, here we will take a quick in how to integrate Mixpanel with Spring Boot Applications.

Add the Latest Mixpanel Maven Dependency


Sending Events

import com.mixpanel.mixpanelapi.ClientDelivery;
import com.mixpanel.mixpanelapi.MessageBuilder;
import com.mixpanel.mixpanelapi.MixpanelAPI;

// You can find your project token in the
// project settings dialog
// of the Mixpanel web application
MessageBuilder messageBuilder =
new MessageBuilder(PROJECT_TOKEN);

// You can send properties along with events
JSONObject props = new JSONObject();
props.put("Gender", "Female");
props.put("Plan", "Premium");

JSONObject planEvent =
messageBuilder.event(distinctId, "Plan Selected", props);

// Gather together a bunch of messages into a single
// ClientDelivery. This can happen in a separate thread
// or process from the call to MessageBuilder.event()
ClientDelivery delivery = new ClientDelivery();

// Use an instance of MixpanelAPI to send the messages
// to Mixpanel's servers.
MixpanelAPI mixpanel = new MixpanelAPI();

Here, PROJECT_TOKEN has to be your project’s signature token you can find that on the Mixpanel Web application. “Plan Selected” is an event that has been triggered through the endpoint. You can find that Event inside the reports menu in Mixpanel Web Application.

Once, you configure the event as you expected inside the Mixpanel. You can generate Dashboards that can contain multiple reports with different Metrics. You are allowed to create multiple dashboards inside the Mixpanle.

If you want to track the performance of all the endpoints of your Application. Then you can use Asynchronous Method with creating Enum in Spring Boot Application to track all the endpoints in your Application with less code.




Abishan Parameswaran
Abishan Parameswaran

Written by Abishan Parameswaran

Software Engineer Intern at Arimac || Freelancer || Technical Blogger

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